Can Meta please stop copy-pasting Instagram features to Whatsapp


You know how one person leads a collaborative endeavour, and the others simply copy it? Instagram's engineers must be feeling the same way.

"Oh, this is how we used to do on Instagram/Facebook," we remark every time Whatsapp offers a new function. It appears that these Meta-owned platforms frequently use Ctrl+C followed by Ctrl+V.

WhatsApp is messaging software that may be used for business and personal reasons, but it has recently evolved into a clone of Instagram or Facebook. Whatsapp was designed to be a messaging app and should have stayed that way.

Whatsapp is being utilized for a variety of purposes in addition to messaging. We see wedding photos of relatives' relatives on Whatsapp status, a new phone purchased by the grocer's uncle, and other things.

Instagram introduced'stories' (a Snapchat clone) in 2016. In 2017, articles were copied and pasted as status on Whatsapp. Consequently, photos that were previously viewable on Instagram feed, Instagram stories, Facebook, and Snapchat are now visible on Whatsapp status.

We see some not-so-new changes on Whatsapp as the copy-paste game at Meta HQ continues. Some of them are really useful, such as erasing messages. On the other hand, others have made it difficult to tell the difference between Whatsapp and Instagram. With the passage of time, all of the Meta applications, particularly Instagram and Whatsapp, have begun to resemble one another and offer the same user experience.

However, we do not want this to happen again in the future. As a result, below is a list of Instagram features that aren't necessary on Whatsapp and others that should be avoided at all costs.


1. Reactions to messages

Users are dissatisfied with Whatsapp's newly implemented Instagram functionality. You may now respond to messages on Whatsapp in the same way you can on Instagram. You may also respond to your own messages. (Do you find yourself laughing at your own jokes? If this is the case, something is incorrect.)

We communicate with other Instagram users and exchange posts, memes, and tales. It seems reasonable to have a reply button there. On a messaging app, however, it does not. It appears like the development team just wanted to finish the project.

Allow us to pick reactions now that we have this capability on Whatsapp.

2. Reels

Reels are a feature that no one on the earth ever wants on Whatsapp.

In any case, Instagram reels have been embarrassing. Furthermore, like terrible TikTok clones, YouTube and Snapchat now feature short video formats (if that were even possible).

Please, please, please don't bring reels into Whatsapp.

If this occurs, we will require a new messaging platform immediately.

3. The ability to like stories

Consider how your uncles, aunts, relatives of relatives, sabzi wala, ten-year-old school buddies, and others on your contact list would respond to your new status.

This will cause a great deal of confusion and needless notifications and backup.

As a result, inform those developers ahead of time: If this feature is in your KRA for next month, eliminate it immediately.

4. View the image only once

Instagram lets you share one, two, or three views and preserve image-sharing choices in conversation (copied from Snapchat, again).

We used to exchange photographs from our gallery straight over Whatsapp. However, Whatsapp has added a one-view picture option to the conversation. Why, once again, would I ask?

First and foremost, one-view photos are not required in a messaging app. This function is also worthless because you do not receive a notification if the other person takes a screenshot and then saves it in their gallery.

Finally, but certainly not least...

5. Stories

Stories, also known as status on Whatsapp, have taken away its primary function. People are being messaged, FYI.

Remember how we used to check Facebook for life updates from our friends and family? You may now view them on your WhatsApp status (also).

Instagram photos are currently trending on Whatsapp status.

Whatsapp status has also taken the role of birthday wishes sent via personal messaging.

Even if you don't want to know what your friends are up to these days, Whatsapp status will force you to. Many people also share their whole photo gallery on their Whatsapp status.

Then some people use the app more for status updates than for communicating (which is what it was designed for).

Which one of these features would you never want on Whatsapp?

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